All posts by elijah


What is the secret to marriage? Why is it so hard to keep it going? Why is it that when you are married, communication becomes so hard? Is it me? Is there something I am doing wrong?

Pick any aspect of my life right now, and I can assuredly say that I am drained there. And chances are I am draining her too. We are both so easily irritable now that we are setting each other off like a blind man in a minefield. It’s a vicious cycle to which I have no idea how to really get out of.

I need a way to recharge myself.


How does a car run when its fuel tank is on empty?

Lately, emotions run wild and anger flares cause chaotic explosions. I am running on empty. And my frustrations and her expectations of me still drain me. And then because I can not meet her expectations, she gets drained.

How do people navigate the minefield that is a marriage?
It’s as though there is no win-win situation that can be achieved when a person is down.

I have fallen and the very support structure that is suppose to be in place is crushing me.

We both need to recharge ourselves. We need space. I really don’t like the sound of that.


Considering all that has happened at work. I was actually looking forward to a little christmas celebration amongst a small group of friends at work.

I cooked from 830 to 1100pm last night. I think because these friends are some of the nicest people around. I would hate to think what what happen if I don’t work with them.

Unfortunately, as I was driving to work, I inadvertently thought about what has been going on at work. All the politics, all the bias and unfair treatment, and started to feel down about it.

My moods are swinging quite a bit. Yesterday I was quite alright, having the day to myself and just running errands.

And of course just after I first write this down I get into another accident.